So far in the Tor Challenge I have learned……
…people get used to you snapping pictures in their face, they relax and act like everything is totally normal.
….it’s hard to get the camera in exactly the right place. There are so many well timed images where I wish I could move the camera over just a little bit, wish I taken a step back, wish I had adjusted my f-stop.
For example, this picture of my grandfather with his artifacts, watching the history channel. He is a big WW2 buff; I haven’t been to their house in a long time and not seen Hitler at some point during my stay. He collects all sorts of memorablia, from Nazi flags to Military food rations. This summer they had a garage sale where he sold a lot of his artifacts, to make money so he could continue shopping.
….then there are those pictures where it works, and you have moment from exactly right angle to make you want to stay and look….
In this image my grandmother has just finished her morning ritual of applying her “mascara” (mask in Spanish). She told me that no matter what, even when she was sick in bed, she takes the time to do herself up for my grandfather. This picture shows her pride, and satisfaction at a job well done. She is enjoying the beauty of her face.